Your 2014, Swancon 39: Conjuration Committee

Convenormancer Chris Coman casts from afar
Conjurevenor Samara Morgan channels the energies
Inner Circle
AbracadabrAdministrator Matt Lindus minds the scrolls
TrickOrTreasurer Alexis Hemsley holds the purse strings
Neuromarketer Matt Holmes changes your minds
Programmerie Team
Head Programmarie Kitty Hemsley also caters for the headless
Familyar Programmerie Sarah Parker and friends entertain all ages
Gaming Gambit Michael Cogan prestidigitates and presides over dice rolls
Dangerous Liasons
Hocus Pocus, Hotel PoteLiason Krisjan Lie minds the physical space
Presto Guesto Liaso Yoli Lawrence weaves paths to the West
Well Wicked Witches Margaret Dunlop & Helen Duffill manage our menagerie of flying monkeys (Volunteers – flying optional but recommended)
Magicians and More
Technomancer Brendan Ragan creates internal binding structures
Event Shamanager Rachel Giovanetti grants visions of the future
SorcerArtist Wednesday illuminates the surfaces and shadows
Artshow Seeress Jennifer Gladwell will actualise artesian anomali
Past Priestesses deserve our thanks for giving their all in service
Prudence Personified Elaine Kemp and
Soul Sister Anna Hepworth ascended early to offer guidance from beyond.

We welcome all new Conjurers, and thank those who have moved on or changed roles. We know they will be waiting for us at the end of the path, and we honour their contribution to our CONJURATION!

Published: 10:30 on Nov 05, 2013
Last Updated: 10:30 on Nov 05, 2013