Greetings Swancon Folks and Anne Bishop Fans!

As part of her Guest of Honour Speech at Swancon on Saturday 19th of April, 1:30-2:30pm, she has asked us for a Q&A session.

So we’re putting the call out to you, our members! What would you like to ask Anne Bishop? Do you want to know about her fantastic new novel in, Written In Red, or would you like to know something about the Black Jewels Trilogy, or her other works, or perhaps you want to find out how you can become an amazing Author like her?

Send us an e-mail at with “Anne Bishop Q&A” in the title and let us know what you want to know, and we’ll pick some of the best questions to ask her.

Remember, Anne and our other amazing Guests Jim Butcher, Isobelle Carmody and Sally Beasley will be with us all convention (Thu 17th-Mon 21st April). If course you can only hear Anne’s responses if you come along to the Con! So geo to the store and buy a membership!

Anne bishop
Published: 20:48 on Apr 01, 2014
Last Updated: 20:49 on Apr 01, 2014